It is now available a complete map with all the institutions and participants that are collaborating with this project, this map is constantly updated.Ângela Ferreira's Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad (2020). The publication is designed by vivoeusébio and co-edited by Luísa Santos and Ana Fabíola Maurício and includes the original poem "Another birth" by Forough Farrokhzad.Politics of Silence is a anthology-book-exhibition about silence, published by the Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura (CECC), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, edited by Luísa Santos with the editorial assistance of Ana Fabíola Maurício, both as a concept and as a practice which is essential to contemporary visual culture in its relationship with the political.A series of videos produced by Bigorna - Julia Flamingo and Sofia Saleme.What does mediation mean/do for/in visual and culture studies? This is the question that we asked ourselves throughout the 4Cs, more particularly over the mediation labs and the workshops. In this handbook, we have gathered essays from curators and thinkers as well as the materials produced during the mediation activities of the 4Cs. Composed as much of theories as of practical examples, the handbook aims to provide a critical reflection on the transforming potential of mediation.