About the Film Programme
The itinerary film programme is co-organised and hosted by all partners. With a selection of different films addressing social conflicts in a poignant way through the various cultural lenses of artists, this programme will show a diversity of conflict and post-conflict situations as well as creative responses to it.
Each screening will be preceded by a conversation between a curator and one artist-filmmaker. University and high school students from various knowledge areas, community members, local and cultural associations, cultural and art professionals, and researchers will be invited to attend and actively participate in the film programme, particularly in the opening conversation between the curator and the artist-filmmaker.
The dialogue that the coordination of the film programme implies will strengthen the potential for artists and cultural professionals to work transnationally, to create an intercultural dialogue, and to build meaningful networks that can spark future collaborations.
The guest curator of the film programme is Azar Mahmoudian.
Azar Mahmoudian is a curator and educator based in Tehran. She is part of a collective that co-ran kaf, an independent space focusing on discursive and educational programmes on art and theory in Tehran (2010-2015).