Ângela Ferreira's Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad (2020)
We, at the 4Cs and the Appleton, in Lisbon, had planned to launch the publication resulting from Ângela Ferreira's Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad (2020), which was exhibited at the Appleton Box, in Lisbon, last November, on January 19th. Given the current pandemic evolution in Portugal, the publication will not be launched this January. We will announce a new date as soon as the situation permits.
Designed for broadcasting poetry, as a homage to the Iranian poet and filmmaker Forough Farrokhzad (1934-1967), the Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad combines Ângela Ferreira’s concerns with the material consequences of modernism and how those forms evolve and change as they travel through the world. The publication with Ângela Ferreira's work is designed by vivoeusébio and co-edited by Luísa Santos and Ana Fabíola Maurício, and includes the original poem "Another birth" by Forough Farrokhzad.
Design: vivóeusébio
While we wait for being able to present the publication in person, please see the interview conducted by Julia Flamingo to Ângela Ferreira and read the publication as a PDF here. The publication was printed in a limited edition - please reserve your copy with Maria Eduarda Duarte on maria.duarte@4cs-conflict-
Presentation video and interview with the artist Ângela Ferreira by Julia Flamingo.
Produced by Bigorna - Julia Flamingo and Sofia Saleme