Residency Exchange Between MASS Alexandria and NAC
A Dictionary of the Revolution (2014 - 2017), Amira Hanafi. Photo: Amanda KM
1 September - 31 October 2018: residency of an Egyptian artist Amira Hanafi in Nida.
8 September - 31 October 2018: residency of Lithuanian artist Saulius Leonavičius in Alexandria.
1 October - 30 November 2018: residency of Lithuanian artist Laima Kreivytė in Alexandria.
The residency is complementing activities of the project 4Cs: From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture. Participating artists are expected to focus on issues of conflict, rootless communities, migration, displacement, ways of making strange territories your own, conviviality, identity and related experiences. There are no limits on time or geographical area if the artist chooses to work on specific historical events. Please refer to the description of the project for further information.